Working together, you can achieve your nutrition and health goals. Available for virtual or in-person appointments.

Diabetes Coaching
Collaborate with our diabetes specialists to design a custom plan that works for your lifestyle. We include the latest research, technology and experience to help guide you in finding ways to work smarter, not harder while getting better results.
90 minute initial appointment
1 hour follow up appointments
New Diabetes Diagnosis
A new diagnosis can feel very overwhelming and you might feel like a fish out of water. Get the information that you need to be safe now, and plan to continue learning about this complicated condition in bitesize pieces in a way that you understand.
90 minute initial appointment
1 hour follow up appointments

Medtronic Pump and CGM Training
Upgrading or switching to a Medtronic pump including the 780G system? Need to learn about the Guardian 4 CGM system that no longer requires calibrations? Training is covered by Medtronic at no cost to you!
2 hour initial appointment
2 x phone follow up appointments

Coaching Package
Know that you want to spend some time together or need a diabetes makeover? This package is for you!
Get priority scheduling and regular check-ins via email, text, phone or video chat, depending on your communication style. Get personalized advice following reviews of logs, CGM data or insulin pump data to maximize your time-in-range.
Initial appointment (90 minutes)
Follow up plan bundled and customized to your needs. Please contact us for more information.